Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Death of Morality

Don't get me wrong: I'm no angel.
But I grew up believing in truth, justice and the American way (too much Superman on TV). The level at which truth and justice seem to be completely divorced from the common American consciousness astounds me.

Admittedly, I'm judging largely based on what I find on the internet and mass media, but truth is just far, far gone.

Lies and deception are the order of the day in politics--at least when it comes to anything distasteful to the political elite.


I started this post months ago, and don't quite know what I was responding to, nor where I was headed. But, as I look at the little stub, and see that I like the link about Superman, and see that at one time Superman fought for "truth, tolerance, and justice," I think that I have to at least publish it. Not that any one is looking.

The American way used to be about being morally superior. Reagan got away with that city on a hill crap, as if we were some shining beacon of purity. But we weren't the worst of the worst then.

Wouldn't it be great if the American way once again was in search of truth and justice?

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