Saturday, July 9, 2011


I am, in many ways, a very conservative man. I hold to traditional values, like those espoused in the US Constitution and many expressed in the Bible--though I am not religious, the values that shaped this civilization are derived from religious sources, especially the Judeo-Christian tradition. Those conservative values are embedded in our culture, much in the way that the values expressed in Aesop's fables are embedded in our culture. I think these values are central to a good life and to the growth of civilization.

I am also conservative in that I think that the simple basic things in life are the best: can there really be something much better than to enjoy a beautiful day in a beautiful setting? I would rather have a fresh peach and a simple meal than a feast, and I do not think this is asceticism so much as just simple values.

I find, however, that to identify myself as conservative, identifies me with a group of politicians who would change many, many things, with what appears to me little respect for tradition or traditional values. Politicians in general, of course, are suspect.

The state of the world is distressing, because it does not seem to me that the politicians who hold power in the U.S. really serve my conservative values.

Wouldn't it be great if the politicians wanted to conserve the environment so future generations could enjoy that simple pleasure?

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