Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Starting points

There are so many points for starting. One point for starting was the previous post--a statement of purpose for my blog. Another point in starting--a point for starting a discussion--is to say what really matters.

What really matters may be interpreted in many different ways. To me, one thing that really matters is health. To be free of pain, clear of mind, healthy in limb and body, these things matter greatly. I presume that health matters just as much to others--no matter our current state of health, its deterioration would be a great loss. It may be argued that the loss of health (especially if we include mental health) is the the greatest loss that anyone can suffer. While there are convincing arguments against this position, there are such convincing arguments for it, that it seems worthy of consideration as a starting point.

Another possible starting point, and a likely contender against the loss of health being the greatest loss of all: liberty. Liberty is valued over health by some: Patrick Henry, the great American Patriot, is known for saying "Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" The sentiment is echoed in the New Hampshire state motto: "live free or die!"

What really matters to you?

1 comment:

sarah said...

health or liberty? maybe we could argue that liberty is fundamental and necessary in order for one to have true mind/body health. yes, i think they are equally important in that one is dependent on the other.

mmmm... health