Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have long advocated that writers write about what they really care about. I have claimed this, but I have not fully operated under this principle myself.

I care about helping people--that's what my other blog is about and for, and that is the service I offer professionally: I help people with their writing and academic projects. But there are other things that I also care about, that I feel somewhat less qualified to comment on, but that I do want to write about.

The world today is beset with ills. The media and politicians trumpet dire warnings at us: we must reduce greenhouse emissions; we must preserve jobs, etc. I myself am beset with the ill of spending too much time thinking about the ills in the world around; it does not make one happy.

This blog is an exercise in looking for the world that I would like to create. It is about examining the things that I would like to preserve in this wonderful world in which I live, and about examining the things that I would like to change about this terrifying world that I inhabit. And it is about practicing a focus on the good things in this world all around.